
Graphic by Randal Olson 

Graphic by Randal Olson


"Less is more." We have heard that sentiment time and time again with regards to design and aesthetic. However, when working with clients that are not trained in design, it can be a challenge to convince them. The infographic shows illustrates exactly why the "less is more" principle in design looks better and is more effective in getting a message across. 

More is only a distraction from the point trying to be conveyed. Pinpointing the data or message gives the audience a clear idea of what the presenter intends, and nothing else. 

This isn’t new news but it is part of the analog to digital mindset. Years ago editors assigned writers to an article in terms of page space. “Give me a 750 word piece on…” Now the non-word is just as important. If the topic can be explained in fewer words and a picture, then all the better. 

Listen to your designers and copywriters. The theory has been proven time and time again. Business owners in any specific industry typically focus all of their time and energy in refining their trade or product. Make sure when working with a creative specialist to take advantage of the designer's know how and experience just like any other industry. 

-Ray Currid